Thursday, January 5, 2012

God is wooooorkin' on me!

God has put so much on my heart lately since I got back to DC. 

He has blessed me with motivation and drive. Before Christmas, I was feeling very sluggish and had no motivation to get ahead or to feel better. God has seriously transformed me with motivation to accomplish my goals that I have set out. I have decided to go to the YMCA every morning before work so I can work out and start my day right. I want to gain my confidence and my health this year in 2012. God has given me the strength and will to wake up every morning at 5:30am and head to the gym! I am giving Him all the praise for that. I am also eating better, which no doubt God has motivated me to do. 

God has also given me a heart of patience, which if yall know me.... has always been a struggle for me. I feel like God has put His hand on my shoulder and told to me calm down and wait... Wait for what you ask? a God-fearing man, health, confidence, etc.... My good friend Emily said that God is making you wait so that he can completely bless you with someone/thing that you can't even imagine... and she is so right. I had never thought of it like that exactly. But she definitely opened my eyes to being humble and waiting on what God really wants for me, instead of what I think i want/need. 

I feel like me being in DC is starting to make sense... I think God is using it to help me focus on him and grow! I am reading my Bible more consistently and WOW is God using that! :)  I came across Psalm 3:3 and it has stuck with me ---> "But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head." uuhhhh helllooooo, talk about the Almighty Comforter! This has seriously given me strength.

I have been praying and praising him more consistently and I really tell a difference. God has calmed my fears, given me strength, and taught me so much... and it has only been 4 days of this new year motivation.... I can only imagine what God has in store this year!!!