Monday, November 14, 2011

God is bigger than cancer

So I know that I haven't written in a while... Needless to say it has been a rough month so far. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and that hit me like a ton of bricks. I am not gonna lie, I cried like a baby. But you have to admit, cancer is a terrifying word.  My mom is my best friend, the thought of her and cancer is absolutely unequivocally scary.

BUT... let me tell you how awesome God is. :)

1. Mom was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer, which is apparently the best kind to have.
2. After I found out and had a freak out moment, God completely brought a peace to me. He reminded me that He is in control and has a meaning  for everything. I literally felt revived after he calmed me down.
3. One of my best friends, Alex, was actually in town for the weekend and had arrived that morning, before I found out. Talk about a God thing. I dont know how I would have reacted if he hadn't been there. He comforted me and he also wouldn't let me focus all of my energy on that. He helped me not wade in my tears. Praise God! It was so great to have a friend there.
4. My good friend Brittany has been looking for a job and she really wanted this job at the Sarah cannon cancer center in Nashville. She had been praying to find a job and I had been praying for her too. She got the job!!!! Also, those in her position are given a certain type of cancer that they have to research and basically learn everything about. Guess what kind of cancer she was given to research? Breast cancer. Talk about the Lord! Brittany told me that if we ever have any questions about anything (procedures, terms, the next steps) she would be able to explain it to us and if she didn't know she would find someone who did know. I'm telling ya, my God is great!

Through all of this, I have been able to see my mom go from discouraged to encouraged because of letters, notes, flowers, and Facebook posts from dear friends and family. It is amazing what tho things can do. :)

I am so incredibly grateful that I have a God that comforts, teaches, and loves.

PHX blog---- oldie but a goodie

So I am on my way to Phoenix, az. I am currently on the plane typing up this little blog. Let me begin by telling you that I am going to a conference for Honors kids, basically. It is a convention of super smart and driven college students who are all oooober excited about learning.... I know what your thinking...  It's gonna be awesome right?

So begins the phx saga...

Let's go over my baggage situation shall we? I had to bring a rather large presentation tri-fold board, a suitcase filled with brochures, nic-nacs, papers, and such, my own personal suitcase, a laptop (including it's home, a rather bulky laptop case), and my purse (size of a carry o n). Needless to say, when loaded up I look like a professional pack-mule, complete with stiletto heels.

I super-shuttled to the airport... Umm.... A slightly longer ride than I anticipated, but scenic?

Upon arrival at the airport, getting out of the shuttle and getting all the junk, was a show. People, I could tell, felt sorry for me and were secretly thinking or mumbling under their breath, "pack mule." I got checked in and then headed to security. That was good except for the fact that I forgot to take off my shoes and the security man-dude wasn't too happy about that. Oops

I got to the airport like 3 hours early so,  I had some time to kill, aka, shop in the rando stores for a bit and find silly, yet unnecessary but needed items, like candy, magazines, books and such. Also, my world was rocked when I entered the food court and low and behold there was an ARBYS!!!!!!!!! Yes! They do not have them in D.C. which is tragic. So, I definitely partook in some curly fry action, coupled with a turkey sandwich, FOR THE WIN!

So I sat down to have my merry little early dinner and this lady decides to sit down at the table next to me and eat too. Didn't phase me... But then....
She whipped out a half a loaf of bread and American singles (pre-packaged cheese).  So I naturally watched, and she j ust as if I had known her for 20 years started to talk to me... I think I attract people to talk to me for some reason, you shall see later. She was from the Ukraine and had an extremely thick accent. However, she lives in Alabama and was going to new York. I am not sure why or how she was goin g, but she told me anyway and I couldn't understand her so I just nodded and did the "haha" laugh, perfect for such situations. She also told me about her sons and monks and nuns. Yep, that is not a typo folks. I have no idea how she brought it up or why,  but it happened. She just talked and talked and talked and talked, bless her. She was legitimately telling me whatever popped up in her head. So,I responded every once in a while, when I could understand, and ate my deliciousness,

Then I bid her adieu and walked to my gate. En route, I came across this HUGE crowd around a gate. They were all clapping. It turns out that is was a plane filled with war veterans. Precious!!! I just wanted to cry. They were so cute and I just clapped and clapped.

Went to the gate to familiarize myself with southwest seating procedures... Um, yea.. I totes got bambooooozled. I didn't know you had to check in at the gate for a boarding pass, I am an idiot. The lady was like"you are lucky we even have seats left." well thanks lady. I had been there for 3 hours, could have had the best seat, but literally got the last seat.go figure.

After that fiasco, I sat down and was minding my business and then...
A crazy rando couple sat down beside me and just started chatting with me. They were actually really awesome. They called it a "airport romance" hah but they were both married and have kids. I think they were just kidding around, maybe? But they were both in their late 40s maybe early 50s and had been at the bar for the past 5 hours. They were a hoot. The guy adorned a braided rat tail thing and had on a Hawaiian shirt and flaunted baggy cargos. She was stylish and both of them were slightly toasted. Hahah the man said to me "my two weaknesses in life are tequila and you." eekk, talk about an awkward  "haha" moment. I'm telling you I attract the crazies.

Well I am happy to report that the "last person on the plane award" goes to this girl. ---> ME
In southwestanese that means "ma'am sit in the first available middle seat."

Ok, I am tall and awkward in general, so having to crawl over people is not really my specialty. Also, being scolded for not sitting fast enough is hardly what I call "friendly customer service." So I naturally turned red and was embarrassed. Oh well, oh the plights of a workin gal.

Well my seat mates are nice so that is a plus. I also brought some raisinettes and jolly ranchers to keep me company. Oh wait here comes the stewardess with complementary snacks, so the more the merrier I say. Ok, time out, when did snacks change from peanuts to wheat thins (see below)... I could get used to this kind of snackage. Just because of the wheat thins I might semi-forget the little seat debacle.... Maybe...