Friday, August 26, 2011

There's a storm brewin'

So, if you haven't heard.... there is a massive beast of a storm in the name of IRENE! (say it in a really thick accent and it sounds like a dirty neighbor who is about to distroy your yard or something).

Tropical Depression Eight
 Well right about where it says 85mph winds.... is approximately where DC is located... of course...

First there is an earthquake, now Irene.... oh-de-lal-ee

SO.... yesterday i decided it would be best to semi-prepare for the possiblity of being stranded in my rando apartment by myself for a few days... with no power....

To the right is my hurricane survival kit... thus far...
consisting of:
Green tea (of course, in order to stay healthy for a long time)
wheat thins
and EZ Cheese

Food of champions and hurricane survivors of course!

Well, my thoughts yesterday were just to get something to have in my apartment   (just in case) and that i was probably overdoing it at that... but.... Today, PEPCO (the power people) have gone ahead and estimated several days of power outages.. great. Apparently, they are not too fast in the response and problem-fixing department. (BOO) Also, according to the Express and Examiner (metro papers) Maryland and Virginia are pre-declaring states of emergency? yea... and they are evacuating people who live in "low-lands"...

Am I being flippant by thinking it will not be a big deal? or should i go stock up on peanut butter, bread, and dunkaroos? maybe a flashlight, candles, etc?I might need to prepare for epic bordom as well.... seeing as it will probably rain (a lot) and power could be a problemo.... and because i don't know many folk in the area....

In all seriousness though, please pray for the eastern seaboard as it braces for Irene.

1 comment:

  1. bunker down lauren!! maybe you should get some more substantial groceries. and a book for entertainment.
