Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Tuesday was a scorcher! It was soooooooooo hot yesterday. I went to a site briefing at the us trade representative office, then lunch at le pain...

Then worked on CSAD stuff all aft noon. CSAD is s huge dinner where w give an award to a senator, this year it was Mark Pryor from Arkansas.

It was held at the Four Seasons in Georgetown. It was beautiful! We had a cocktail hour before the event then a three course meal.
First course was "jumbo sea scollops, mushroom risotto with apple wood smoked bacon lardoons"
Entree: short ribs, anson mills polenta, carrot and asparagus bundle, pearl onions
Dessert: deconstructed s'mores-milk chocolate mousse caramelized vanilla bran marshmallow. Graham streusel

So the dinner was LEGIT!

Also, it was a much Better day


Monday was one of the worst days. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Just a whole lot of frustration emotion and ugggggh.

One cool thing... Went to a big lunch with Donald Rumsfeld, no big deal.... Lol

Monday, July 11, 2011


Sunday was lovely...

Went to eastern market bright and early and had a crepe. The ladies of 47 came too, Jesse and Sarah.we walked around a browsed then decided to go to pound and get some coffee, which was of course delicious. Then Jesse and I walked around with some of her kids and then headed back to Georgetown to relax before the talent show and date auction.

It was sooo fun. The talents were great and the dates were good too. Sarah, Megan, Jesse, and I were auctioned off as a group to cook a 4 course meal for up to 5 students. We were sold for $200!!!!!!!!!! Sooo awesome! All of the money goes to a g rant that will be given to a youth literacy program in dc. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day off

Yaaaaaaaaay saturday. Today was so lovely. I got up early and decided to head to eastern market... I ended up walking all the way there... And that is quite a long way, just saying. I just wanted to go for a walk, :)

Walked passed the Georgetown waterfront, the potomac, the monuments, a random band, and the dahli llama ? Yep, he was at the capital. Haha

I made my rounds at eastern market, got some lemonade and a crepe (wonderful as always) then walked to union station to hitch the train to dupont circle. I went by the IPVS car wash and book sale.

Kristin, Jesse and I went to lunch at jetties in Georgetown. So delish. Following that, a very relaxing afternoon. :)


We went to serendipity. We got dinner and dessert. I think I am currently in a comatose state due to the amount of food and fun and friends this evening. :)

Top night.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hotdogs and handshakes

So folks... Today was Friday... FINALLY!

This morning I went to the office for a short bit, while there i discovered my love of peanut butter is great coupled with a rice cake... Please people this was a moment..l

Then headed to capital hill to get a tour of the capital. I had scheduled a tour for the Tisdale fellows through Laura richardsons office ion the house. It was a great tour, but long. Also there were just about 287487836 tourists there too, complete with high socks and sandals and fanny packs... Oh it's july alright. Met a lot of folk there.

After lunch at T coast we came back to the office to only be greeted by a nice downpour. Don
T worry we made it inside but this was not a good omen for the baseball game. :/ we went anyway and were gonna stick it out. Sooooo glad we went!! It was beautiful!!!! We had nosebleed seats, but it didnt matter, it was still fun! Also, we were all super excited about the hotdog situation and ballpark food. Needless to say, we made good choices.

Rando-info... There maybe a Creeper like situation... But it's under control. Also while on the escalator out of the metro... We saw a man using it as his personal potty.... Oh my.

All in all, top night!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So I m a bit frustrated...

No need to say much more about that.

Worked alot today and then went to a roundtable event....

Emily and Lindsay and I had a grand ole time cleaning up and carrying stuff back... We literally laughed like crazy.

Ready for Friday, that's all I can say.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Went for a run this morning.... Found out I could be a morning runner, but now tonic, I am not so sure that is for me.

Got a call from mom this morning and she said she had been in the hospital all night and has a kidney stone and bladder infection... Oh my stars!!! Please pray for her speedy recovery and pain to go away.

Went to lunch at the American chemistry council today and met the Honorable Cal Dooley and had a great discussion and lunch with a few students.


Went to a Tisdale happy hour, sponsored by TFAS. It was at Blackfinn. It was an interesting time...

Then walked around the white house, said "what up" to the prez then went back to g-town to relax a bit fore starting it all over again tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to school? I mean work.

Today felt like a Monday. It was nice to be back in the office, but I really miss home today. Y'all it was rally difficult to work super hard today, with all of my friends and family on my mind. God gave me strength to keep pushing on though. I just pray he reveals his plan soon :)

Had our guest lecture tonight. rob Nichols from financial services forum spoke... He was AWESOME! he basically is the CEO of the company and represents CEOs from other huge financial firms...he is a big deal.

I just felt super down on myself today... Needing some prayer

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tennessee time

Ok to summarize the long and lovely weekend in one word... Amazing!!!!! I could go on and on and on about how wonderful my time was. I got to see Alex and Matt :) and got to have lunch and chat time with them. It was so encouraging to see them and get a hug from my best buds. I got to see my girls in Motown and the fellas too. I got to chat with my besties and prepare a wonderful friend for marriage to an incredible man. It was so much fun to get to see everyone, it was like I never left. :)

Seeing everyone just brought so much sunshine to me. I just lit up when I got to see so many people. My friends in Knox and Motown are truly a blessing. I couldn't have become who I am today without everyone.

I got to see and hang out with mom and granny!!!!!!!! It was so wonderful to get to relax and just be at home for a bit. :)

Leaving was extra hard. Normally I would have band camp and welcome week activities to look forward to , so I can see all of my best buds, but that is no longer the case because I graduated. It's really starting to sink in. It's hard to think about. I am excited about being in dc but..... I really really really miss being at home and being in Knoxville and the way things used to be... I am not a huge fan of change... Actually I am scared of it to be honest. However I know that I am here for a purpose and I know God has things in store :) I just need to pray for peace.

Love you alllllll!!!