Monday, July 4, 2011

Tennessee time

Ok to summarize the long and lovely weekend in one word... Amazing!!!!! I could go on and on and on about how wonderful my time was. I got to see Alex and Matt :) and got to have lunch and chat time with them. It was so encouraging to see them and get a hug from my best buds. I got to see my girls in Motown and the fellas too. I got to chat with my besties and prepare a wonderful friend for marriage to an incredible man. It was so much fun to get to see everyone, it was like I never left. :)

Seeing everyone just brought so much sunshine to me. I just lit up when I got to see so many people. My friends in Knox and Motown are truly a blessing. I couldn't have become who I am today without everyone.

I got to see and hang out with mom and granny!!!!!!!! It was so wonderful to get to relax and just be at home for a bit. :)

Leaving was extra hard. Normally I would have band camp and welcome week activities to look forward to , so I can see all of my best buds, but that is no longer the case because I graduated. It's really starting to sink in. It's hard to think about. I am excited about being in dc but..... I really really really miss being at home and being in Knoxville and the way things used to be... I am not a huge fan of change... Actually I am scared of it to be honest. However I know that I am here for a purpose and I know God has things in store :) I just need to pray for peace.

Love you alllllll!!!

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