Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well today was a Tuesday, not your normal Tuesday just because it felt like a monday... Gross,! Well I worked on loads of ibga stuff... Called several alumni folks and then mid day had to make a Starbucks run... Or slow walk, if you will... Due to the 90 degree heat wave and lots of humiidity going on in the dc area...

the Henley 47 gals (my roommates)And I had planned to go to the grocery store this afternoon after work,,, however, around 4:30ish we get an email which told us that there was a "brown" out at our apartments, meaning no air, no power....nada until 9 pm... There went our grocery plans. So we instead decided to go out for dinner at a Thai place called taiphoon (twas delish)! I had pad Thai.... So good!!!!!

After, we were bound and determined to find CAKE of sorts, we walked out of dupont in search of a cupcake shop, didn't see one so we kept going... We were soon in georgetown.. We had walked all the way from dupont circle to the white house then turned around and headed to Georgetown... geeeeeez Louise!!!! but we made it a cupcake joint called sprinkles (it was just ok, sadly) but we accomplished our mission... Finding CAKE!

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