Friday, May 27, 2011

Signed Sealed Delivered

So today is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! All day I was super excited about the upcoming weekend... both because it is the weekend, after all, and because it is a holiday weekend, which means we get off early and we get Monday off! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impending freedom was at bey...

Ok so this morning began with Starbucks... There is such a friendly gal who works at the Dupont Circle starbucks. She is hysterical and around our age... Me and my roommates always cut-up with her. It never hurts to be friendly, ya know?

In addition to starbucks... Shane brought doughnuts for the office... SCORE! We even got an official email alert... haha LOVE it!

Also mid-morning, Stacie and I ran to the window to spy on a protest going on... They were just marching down the street for like 20 minutes.... They were mad about dictatorship in Eritrea... Stace and I dubbed it an "iPhone moment."

I got a lot done today at work. Lots of documents printed for our registration packet... To give you an idea... We have like 30 different documents to put in each packet, personalized too... for 420 students... that is alot of trees and a whole lot of paper and time needed to get it all done by next week.

Print media delivered via Pony Express

After work we headed over to Union Station! We went to Capital City Brewery to get dinner reservations and happened upon the National Postal Museum.... oh my gosh... it was AWESOME!!!! I was like a kid in a candy store... Fun fact: I love anything that has to do with mail, postage, stamps, or the postal service.... :) I had never been there! It was amazing. They had print media, stamps and everything! Totes awesome!!! They even had a post office in it, go figure.
A postage stamp... R for Rosemary :) my momma!

I have the top hot air balloon postage stamp! So does my best bud Alex!

Shout out to the best state where my bestest friends live!

yellow cake, yellow icing, yellow sprinkles... Can someone say "Lauren Goldberg cupcake"

Ok, we went to dinner at Capital City Brewery, which was fantastic... Instead of bread they bring you freshly baked pretzels! oh my stars y'all... talk about de-freakin-lish! Afterword, we decided to go back to the Capital Hill area and check out this cupcake place called "Hello Cupcake." My roommates (Jesse and Sarah) and I have decided to go on a mission to figure out the great Washington DC cupcake debacle. We are bound and determined to decide once and for all, who has the best cupcakes... (im partial to Georgetown Cupcake, but ;)  ) anyhoo, we walked down to 8th street, which is Barracks Row, and got a cupcake. I got the "You Tart!" cupcake... [lemon... and yellow :) ] delish... just right!

Following the cupcake, to gain momentum to pack (since we have to move across town tomorrow :( ) Jesse and I stopped at Pound and got some coffee and just chilled and chatted. It was great!!! We got to relax and just sit in the window of this awesome coffee shop. We want to transport it to Georgetown. We promised to come back later in the summer. The owners are really cool and their coffee is wonderful. Also, we have to get a t-shirt. :)

Tomorrow: Eastern Market!!! /Moving/Meeting up with some UT folk :) /Moving in at G-town/groceries/Run/G-town extravaganza and exploration... Who knows?

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