Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I found WALDO!

Well today was a good one, but I was in a funk for some reason. I couldn't seem to get going... I don't know why... I felt like i was in a slump... but I eventually just worked it off ? I honestly looked at my pics on my wall and smiled and semi-shook it.

I did alot of cold-calling today. I created a spreadsheet that was composed of Associations all over DC and called them to see if they were taking any interns for the summer... Part of the program that i am working for is to place students in internships... We have a few more to go so we called a whoooole lot of folks today. I got pretty good at it after a little bit... a few mess-ups but, that is inevitable i think. For those who didn't know, talking on the phone tends to make me nervous and uneasy (not sure why) but... today God help me conquer my task!

I also got to meet a student today.. He was pretty cool... Fun fact, he had on bright green pants and a striped tie... pretty legit i might say.

After work, I went for a run on the national mall. I felt so B-A because I was running alongside some pros.... I definitely don't compare... but i can dream. I went by the capital (right when Congress was getting out of session) and thenran passed several softball teams that were playing on the grass in the mall. All I could think about was our BCM team and how stinkin awesome we were! next year, y'all will totes win the championship... :D  In addition there were dodgeball and kickball teams too... I ran down to the Washington Monument and in front of the White House and gave a little wave and shout to the big man Obama then proceeded back toward my apartment on Capital Hill.. On my way back i found waldo from a distance and creeped on him... please see below... But all in all, I think my day can be deemed a success because of the Waldo sighting...
Waldo, doing who knows what?

After my run, me and the roomies went out to get some coffee at this place called Pound... we walk by it everyday and thought that tonight would be the night to check it out.. It was such a happenin' little joint. There were several people there and they were all really friendly. I went with the guy's suggestion... the Nutella Latte... AWESOME! I got it iced.. I basically was an adult version of chocolate milk... Adult in the since that it had 2 shots of espresso in it.

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