Monday, May 23, 2011

There is no place like home

Ok friends....

I made it to DC. Can you believe it? God has some amazing things in store! I can't wait to fill this blog with all of the wonderful things that happen and the challenges that bring me closer to Him.  :D

Lets begin with a picture, shall we....  
look familiar? :) They adorned my feet upon arrival to DC. I wore them on the plane... I saw the wondering eyes of several passengers as they marveled at the sheer aweseomeness that housed my feetsies. Wouldn't it be awesome if i could click them 3 times and instantly be at home !
Well, i thought i would give you all a break down of the adventure off to DC.

5am- woke up, not easily as we had stayed up packing late and putting off the inevitable... me leaving home.
6am- left the house, went by Granny's. She totes signed my Toms and she was wearing a pair when she signed mine.. Too Legit if you ask me.
7ish-arrival at airport, where we were greeted by a rather friendly fellow who informed us of the $350 baggage charge to get my luggage to DC.... not a great way to start the day, but he was super friendly so it didn't seem too bad.
later 7ish- mom and i decided to have some breakfast at the only place on the outside of security... Tooties! haha Twas a swell breakfast and the restaurant was bustling with people, NOT. but Mom and I decided that we basically owned the place haha
8am-have to say "so long" to mom... and yall, I tried to be strong, but i lost it and straight up bawled right there at security... What can I say, I just really love my momma! I also ran into a friend Sara Long from UT headed to Geological Camp in Colorado. Seeing her calmed me down actually.
8:15am- I arrive at my gate, and tell mom so long on the phone, BUT then i realize that my plane wasn't going to Reagan Int'l Airport, the closest airport to my apartment, but it was going to DULLES (i.e. super far away from my apt)... AHHHHH! I had a freak-out moment. Dulles is in DC, but super far in comparison.... So there was nothing i could do but go with it... Mom and i decided that God made it happen for some reason.

After take off, i stared out the window watching the city and home I love zoom by. I looked down and saw downtown and got to wave bye to the Batman building. Then our pilot basically decided to fly right in line with I-65 north, the interstate that I drove all the time and has the exit I take home. We flew over my high school, my mom's office, my granny's house and my house! It was so bittersweet. I loved seeing it, but i was also so sad to leave. But i felt God telling me that it was all going to be ok. :)

When i got in town, I got a cab and went to the apartment on Capital Hill. it is A-DORABLE!!!!! I wish we wouldget to stay here for the whole summer because of the awesome location (next to Eastern Market) and cuz it is oooober cute. I met my roomies! They are really nice! I am stoked to get to know them better over the summer. We had a blast the first day. We went to Safeway for groceries then went to Eastern Market just to browze and we ended up finding these adorable crocheted Octopi.... SO CUTE! I totes got an orange one to represent!!!!!! 

 Let me introduce the new family....
Orange: O-man
Purple/pink: Ottie
Red: Oscar, aka lil nugget

Later the roomies and I made dinner and then went out for dessert... Precious, right? oh yea! We went to a french place called Montmartre and I had coffee and Creme Brulee! :D

It was such a lovely first day. God definitely comforted me throughout the day and helped me not get nervous or scared or anything. I give him all the praise!!

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