Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I wore these today!!!!
I woke up super excited about attending the Memorial Day parade. We got the invite through work and got to sit under the VIP tent and reviewing stand right on Constitution Ave. across from the National Archives. We even got free lunch too! I didn't know it was going to be so starstudded too... Pat Sajak, Miss America, Gary Sinise (Leut. Dan), and Joe Mantegna were all there, plus a whole lot of 3 and 4 star generals and many more. It was so coool!

I sat next to a lady named Claudia. I just chatted with her and she said she had worked for the US Marshall service and the Justice Department for 37 years.... Talk about LEGIT! Also her husband worked for the Purple Heart org... they give out the Purple Heart awards. Anyhoo... we were just talking and she mentioned she retired but now works for her pastor. I told her I was looking to find a church nearby and she and I just talked and talked about her church called Colombia Baptist in VA. She invited me to come and gave me her name and numbers so that I could contact her so that I would have someone to talk to if I came for a visit! How great is our God! I am excited to check it out! She said it was pretty big and there were alot of ways to get plugged in; she even said there was a flute choir... how cool!!! Im excited to see God use this!
More review stand material!
Miss America lipsyncing

Review Stand

After the parade we came back to the apt (stopping for a frozen treat along the way hehe) then just hung out in the apt. Jesse and I went to CVS to get some snacks and then we all watched Hairspray... quality stuff people!

Today, for some reason, I felt super homesick... I miss all of my family and my friends. I am just kinda unsure still about things up this way, but at the same time not worried. Hard to explain i know... but I don't need to know, I guess. God has a waaaaay bigger plan and better idea about my life and path than I could ever imagine. So i just need to pray for patience and a peaceful heart about the upcoming summer and busy times ahead. I know God has something planned :)

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