Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lazy Daisy

Today was a lazy day! I was so worn out from moving and walking so much yesterday i guess i just needed to sleep. I set my alarm for 9... woke up... then decided to sleep for 5 more minutes... I woke up at 11:30.. oh my stars... I felt like i wasted the whole day. but, as Jesse said "Your body must have known better than your alarm." words of wisdom right there... Well, after waking up and such, Jesse and I walked to get some coffee and snack at Saxby's on O street... Twas a lovely little joint, but its nothing like Pound, at Capital Hill. Sarah then met up with us and we went strolling down M Street of G-town, did some browsing and shopping, got a few cute things :) Then we came back and went on a nice run across the Key Bridge and such. Twas a lovely time.... had dinner then went for ice cream :) 

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