Saturday, June 11, 2011

Legit blog...

So... Most of my previous posts have been super lame... i apologize for my lame-ness, but basically that is all i had time for and basically all i wrote is what i did... so... lol, BUT.... today was a day off! :)

Got up early and went to.... drum roll please.... Eastern Market... Go figure :) Twas a lovely morn. Sarah went with me this morning. We strolled down to M St. and bussed over to Rosslyn then onwards to E. Market. We went and got a crepe, first thing (priorities people, priorities... believe me we got em), then hit up the lemonade stand... :) It decided to sprinkle on us this morning, but that didn't stop our hunger for deals, deals, deals. We basically looked at everything today, as always, sampled some of the delectable delights of the farmers market then decided to call it a day at the market... I ended up purchasing a coaster... (don't laugh, it was most in-fact a very needed purchase at work :)  )

Next, we went to TARGET.... I was in desperate need of some necessities and basics, not to mention that i was overdue to browse aboutst the lovely aisles of cuteness.

I ended up get some things like ziploc bags, detergent, and other things of the like... I wanted to purchase about 87154567392874 of the things I saw there, but i figured that ...
A. that would be expensive
B. I don't have a place to put it
C. I would look silly toting about 6125 bags back to Georgetown.

We finally decided to get some grub around 2pm-ish. We found this random place called Lou's. TOTES delish! We got burgers and sweet potato fries! (O. M. Goodness) Then, if that wasn't enough to satisfy my needed calories for the day, we decided to top it all off with a WICKED Sundae... the name did it justice.... it twas so wicked (in a good way of course)

We returned our new purchases to the apt, then headed to Pentagon City mall... Just to shop around. First of all, i think shopping is a pleasurable experience, however... today, something was different... i think it had to do with the 6798000000000000000000000 teenagers there, in matching t-shirts or uniform combination (one group even had on hats and safety belts in addition to their orange shirts)... I think that kids nowadays, do not understand that they too, like their ipod, have a volume function. but... hopefully they will discover it one day. Despite all of the teeny-boppers,  we still had a swell time.

We then were drained, but we kinda wanting something to eat, so we decided to go to this place on M St. called Thunder Burger Bar... oh my... SO GOOD! We got calamari and nachos... too legit to quit!

All in all, another great day in the district. I am so looking forward to learning what God has in store for me this summer and soon. :)


  1. This blog was 2 legit. =) 2 Legit to Quit. =)

    I miss you!!! Love you G-Berg!

  2. your days are precious! i want to come to d.c. and shop at these cute places and eat at those hip restaurants with you!
