Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday should be Funday

ok folks, i am bound and determined to not to put my readers asleep this week, with my sad and stale posts, so lets spice it up this week folks!

7am! is when i walked into the doors of my work.... which means the good ole alarm clock sounded far too early for me. Luckily my alarm is that Jessie J song "Price Tag", which i happen to love, so i just let it play this morning and eventually i rolled out of bed to start the "getting ready process."

En route to work, i made a small detour to Starbucks... no one judge me for the amounts of coffee i have consumed thus far in my DC working endeavors, or the coffee that is yet to be consumed. this morning, was definitely a "venti" morning. I have decided that when i go to work at the butt crack of dawn, or have to go in ooooober early, i should be allowed to treat myself to a lovely cup of skinny caramel macciato-ness, just to make the day that much more fun.

We had Panera catered in for our breakfast for the fellows this morning, which meant a lovely array of bagels, spreads, fruit, coffee, and OJ. All of which i partook in... :) I couldn't let some of it go to waste. Don't worry, the leftovers were left in the capable hands of my coworkers... so basically all of that was gone by noon. haha

today wasn't super stressful, which was quite lovely and a nice change. Some exciting news, I learned how to set up my work email on my phone. WHOA! talk about shfancy! I am movin up in the world of technology. Also,  i think it is time i take you on a tour of my desk.... and so it begins...
I know its not Friday, but i can dream :)

Funny story about this here cup

This was my extra cup from my coffee on Friday. I was so happy it was Friday, so just wanted to write me a little pick me up message. I was writing it on the GUTS bus and the bus driver must have seen me and completely halted the bus, stood up and yelled at me "No drinks, no drinks" then sat back down and kept driving.... oh de lal ee...

This is my proud TENNESSEE section of my lil desk... I need some more memorabilia to adequately adorn my desk area, but for now... it is just a start

Good ole rocky top!

also there is a list of extensions, just fyi
 my stone-age monitor...

i was in the process of uploading some pics from our events this weekend. Also, please view my use of sticky-notes/ post-its... My to-do list and other important things are stuck to my monitor, there for safe-keeping.
 Oh yea oh yea... my coaster i bought at Eastern Market...

It is a very valuable addition to my desk !
 This is the section by my comp...

Lovely pics of mom and granny, my BCMers and my besties. I also have one of my fav verses up there, plus a pic or too and some random post-its...

Also, take note of my KNOXVILLE GIRL sign ;)

My sign that was at my desk when I arrived... I haven't taken it down, and probably wont. There is the calendar for the next 2 months.. Pretty busy to say the least!

Joe, the only guy in the office, wrote me this post-it in a meeting, because I had some awesome shoes on... lol :)
 There is mom and I and granny and I and the stache picture.. I also have some letters from my happy box up :)

Pic of mom and I (LOOOVE her)


my YELLOW car!!!!

In other news, our speaker for tonight cancelled last minute, that's DC, so we didn't have a lecture tonight :) Nice, because we haven't had much time to breath let alone have some "me" time. So i got to run and go to the gym :) YEA! It was actually quite nice outside today :)

Then went to Safeway... Social safeway because of all the folks

Had some dinner and had office hours for the eager beaver kids. lol

We have a Capital Hill briefing tomorrow morning. We are getting to go on the floor of the House of Representatives... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. gosh i miss you.
    and one day
    i hope to be as cute as you.
