Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oh man...

Well today was another doozie of a day.... I got so stressed out today. I have soo much to do at work, y'all. I have been working like crazy and it seems like nothing is moving along but in reality I'm doing a whole lot.

Well today we had a staff meeting and got a schedule of things to do and such for the weekend... Oh de-lal-eeee!!!!

But Joe and I won the trivia game at the beginning so we got some candy:)

The rest of the day was super stressful. I stayed late at work until 7:30 to get stuff done and man oh man....

But got to go on a run when we got back. That definitely cleared my head. Then, on the way back, this camera guy and news guy came up to us and asked us if we had heard about the armed robberies that had happened overnight across the street from where we were. He asked us o give our reaction on camera... Oh my stars... First of all, Jesse and I were lookin rough because we had just come from running, so I'm sure we waill look HOT on camera. Second of all, dude looked like a valet man... Until we saw the mic.... As we walked away after our interview we both asked each other if that was fo real... Lol

1 comment:

  1. LAUREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your blog!!!!!!!! Jared and I don't have internet, so I was sitting in Panera getting a delicious "Pick 2" meal, when I started reading your glorious blog!!! I read through it all, left a huge comment, and when I hit send, my time limit had expired. =(
    So I simply got in my car, and drove to Mcdonalds....where I am now leaving a NEW comment while drinking a lovely large sweet Tea. LOL!!!
    I love reading about your runs and looking at your pictures. Take care of yourself sweetie. Don't be afraid to take a nice break every once in a while. Your mom is so presh, she WOULD send you yellow flowers. =)
    I'm here to faithfully follow from now on! I miss you like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
