Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hey there fellow blogger folk.

Saturday was such a great day! I got up early and headed to eastern market... :D
I began the day at Pound, the Hill... a coffee shop. I got my coffee and just relaxed in an easy chair at the shop. Then i browsed through the market. I found a couple goodies, but nothing too shfancy. Then i "got lost" on capital hill, walking street to street just wandering looking at all the beautiful houses and neighborhoods. It was such a lovely morning.

I walked to Union Station then metroed to Metro Center, just to look around and such. Not to long after i cabbed back to Henle to get ready for the Alumni BBQ.

This weekend was TFAS alumni weekend. My awesome friend emily was in charge of the weekend, it was amazing!!!!

THe BBQ was a huge hit, tons of people came. There was a raffle, and they raised over 1000 dollars for charity!  Also, i ended up winning a dozen Georgetown Cupcakes! OMstars!!!
At the BBQ, there was a beer truck. I was selected to work the beer truck for the first hour of the BBQ. It was awesome! There were literally two spouts/taps on the side of the truck and we just filled up cups that way. It was hysterical.

 The alumni festivities continued with a Bar Crawl all across DC. It was completely organized and run by TFAS. We gave away free coozies and such for the party buses full of alumni. I also help to staff the event. I loved getting to hang out with all of the staff and my new great friends. I LOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy that they are in my life!

I had such a great time !

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