Saturday, June 4, 2011

Such a lovely day

Today was so nice....

Got up and went to eastern market early... but we first went to our favorite coffee shop, Pound, on the hill and got coffee and sat outside on their patio. It was in the 60s this morning and upper 70s the whole day... so needless to say i spent most of my day outside.... (which lead me to have one of the worst sunburns i have ever had.... i am purple... :(   ) buuuuuut besides that, it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

At eastern market, Jesse and I got a crepe and then did our browsing.. I got a t-shirt featuring a mustache... A company called Fuzzy Ink, Itll grow on you makes shirts and buttons all about mustaches... SOOOOO awesome!!!! I got a shirt with a mustache on a bicycle. They also had mustache pillows! Thought of Olivia when i saw the booth. I also got some fun things for mom!

We met up with Jesse's beau, Michael, and then they went off and did their own thing and got to visit for a bit, which was a-ok with me! I just walked around E. Market some more, walked to the capital, went to Union Station (got some cute shoes), had lunch at Le Pan Quitedein, then walked to G-town. :) I had a ME-day... I really enjoyed it... I just got to relax in my own thoughts and basically talk to God all day... :) So great!!!

We came back and just relaxed and watched a movie and went over our bios for tomorrow because all of the students come TOMORROW! oh my stars!!!!! :) Tomorrow is going to be a suuuper long day, but its gonna be swell! :)

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